Zyrtec was noticing a lack of interest in their video content and tasked us with creating a new Influencer campaign that would increase views.
CONCEPT: From A(llergies) to Z(yrtec)
Allergies can strike at the most inopportune moments, and can linger way past their welcome. Whether you agreed to a game night co-hosted by a cat, are stuck on the runway during a very delayed flight, or made the mistake of running through a field on a date, the itchy/watery eyes, sniffly/runny nose, and muddling sneezes crashed the party.
But there’s a solution for each of these unique situations. With Zyrtec, you have one comprehensive way to deal with indoor, pet, or outdoor allergens - whether you’re Adopting a pet or Gardening, Hiking or Ziplining. It’s A to Z coverage in 60 minutes, leaving you on the other side of allergies to enjoy your day with clear eyes and a full heart.
Video Campaign: Influencers will film themselves in relatable, real-life situations that would otherwise spark their allergies to show how Zyrtec has helped them.
We will get to see popular behind-the-scenes footage of Influencers managing their busy schedules without the hassle of allergies. (Stars, they’re just like us!) From sneezy to snuggly at a meet-n-greet, itchy to in-the-moment volunteering, or sniffly to smiling during a photoshoot, these videos will document how Influencers get from A(llergies) to Z(yrtec), and how quickly.